As revealed by Chris Metzen and Micky Neilson in our 2009 New York Comic Con video interview, The first Ogre Magi transformed by Gul’dan with the Runestone of Isle of Caer Darrow is back. Cho’gall did not die with the two axes to his chest, as depicted in the Pocket Star Book World of Warcraft: Beyond the Dark Portal.
Cho’gall is the leader of the Twilight’s Hammer Clan and in this upcoming issue # 16 he is at the chamber of … C’Thun in the Ahn’Qiraj Temple.
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In the latest issue of the World of Warcraft comic, Broll receives a mysterious summons away from Theramore on the eve of the summit between King Varian and Thrall. Garona is taken captive by the Forsaken, but to what end? Plus, the return of Rehgar Earthfury! Check out the preview pages for yourself.
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