Act III: Quel’thalas
With the capture of the Elven Runestone, Gul’dan has been able to warp the power it contains to mutate an entire legion of his loyal and ruthless Ogres into wielders of arcane magics. Along with this transformation these Ogre-Magi have been granted deadly magics and a malicious cunning rivaling that of Gul’dan himself.
You are to employ the Ogre-Magi in the creation and defense of a Fortress at the mouth of Tyr’s Bay, cutting off the Human supply lines into Quel’thalas.
- Build a Fortress and a Shipyard on the island at the mouth of Tyr’s Bay
Black Tooth Grin Clan
Nation of Stromgarde
Act 1: Seas of Blood | Act 2. Khaz’ Modan | Act 3: Quel’Thalas | Act 4: Tides of Darkness |
Zul’dare | Tol Barad | The Runestone at Caer Darrow | The Tomb of Sargeras |
Raid at Hillsbrad | The Badlands | The Razing of Tyr’s Hand | The Siege of Dalaran |
Southshore | The Fall of Stromgarde | The Destruction of Stratholme | The Fall of Lordaeron |
Assault on Hillsbrad | The Dead Rise as Quel’Thalas Falls | Finale Cinematic Screenshots |
Act 1: Shores of Lordaeron | Act 2. Khaz’ Modan | Act 3: The Northlands | Act 4: Return to Azeroth |
Hillsbrad | Tol Barad | Tyr’s Hand | The Battle of Crestfall |
Ambush at Tarren Mill | Dun Algaz | The Battle at Darrowmere | Assault to Blackrock Spire |
Southshore | Grim Batol | The Prisoners | The Great Portal |
Attack on Zul’dare | Betrayal and the Destruction of Alterac | Finale Cinematic Screenshots |