Act 2: Draenor, The Red World
Having fortified your position on the Hellfire Peninsula where the Portal is located, the time has come to establish a fleet to attack the surrounding clans. The Orcish shipyards of Zeth’kur lie nearby, and for our plans to progress you must destroy them and the ships of war that are stationed there.
While the Horde has been stunned by the ferocity of your attack, our presence here has driven the clans to new heights of fury. You will be unable to maintain this foothold for long against their numbers, so your victories must be daring and swift.
– Build three Shipyards
– Destroy all Orcish Shipyards
Nation Azeroth
Bonechewer Clan
Thunderlord Clan
Bleeding Hollow Clan
Laughing Skull Clan
Act 1: Draenor, The Red World | Act 2. The Burning of Azeroth | Act 3: The Great Sea | Act 4: Prelude to New Worlds |
Slayer of the Shadowmoon | The Rift Awakened | The Seas of Azeroth | Alterac |
The Skull of Gul’dan | Dragons of Blackrock Spire | Assault on Kul’Tiras | The Eye of Dalaran |
Thunderlord and Bonechewer | New Stormwind | Tomb of Sargeras | The Dark Portal |
Finale Cinematic Screenshots |
Act 1: A Time for Heroes | Act 2. Draenor, The Red World | Act 3: War in the Shadows | Act 4: The Measure of Valor |
Alleria’s Journey | Beyond the Dark Portal | Deathwing | Siege of Vanguard |
The Battle for Nethergarde | Upon the Shadowed Seas | Coast of Bones | Dance of the Laughing Skull |
Once More Unto the Breach | The Fall of Auchindoun | The Heart of Evil | The Bitter Taste of Victory |
Finale Cinematic Screenshots |