Act 2: Draenor, The Red World
Elven scouts bring chilling news from Azeroth. A tearing of shadows heralded the arrival of the mighty Orc Shaman Ner’zhul and his guard of Death Knights within the Royal Library of New Stormwind. Unleashing their black magiks, they slaughtered all who opposed them and then fled into the night with their prize – the Book of Medivh.
This serves to confirm what Khadgar has gleaned from the Battle of Nethergarde. He is convinced that the Horde is attempting to learn how the great sorcerer opened the rift between our world and that of the Horde, known in the Book of Medivh only as Draenor.
With countless domains to plunder, the Horde would become an unstoppable power. The High Command believes that our only recourse is to venture through the Portal – both to reclaim the Book of Medivh and to ensure that the Horde can never again threaten Azeroth.
– Erect a castle to protect the Portal
– Destroy all enemy forces
Nations of Azeroth
Warsong Clan
Shadowmoon Clan
Shattered Hand Clan
Laughing Skull Clan
Act 1: Draenor, The Red World | Act 2. The Burning of Azeroth | Act 3: The Great Sea | Act 4: Prelude to New Worlds |
Slayer of the Shadowmoon | The Rift Awakened | The Seas of Azeroth | Alterac |
The Skull of Gul’dan | Dragons of Blackrock Spire | Assault on Kul’Tiras | The Eye of Dalaran |
Thunderlord and Bonechewer | New Stormwind | Tomb of Sargeras | The Dark Portal |
Finale Cinematic Screenshots |
Act 1: A Time for Heroes | Act 2. Draenor, The Red World | Act 3: War in the Shadows | Act 4: The Measure of Valor |
Alleria’s Journey | Beyond the Dark Portal | Deathwing | Siege of Vanguard |
The Battle for Nethergarde | Upon the Shadowed Seas | Coast of Bones | Dance of the Laughing Skull |
Once More Unto the Breach | The Fall of Auchindoun | The Heart of Evil | The Bitter Taste of Victory |
Finale Cinematic Screenshots |