Telias from informs they got a interview with Frank Pierce and Bob Colayco at the 2008 Leipzig Games Convention. The English version of this interview is now online.

So what about this replay function? Will the replays be saved on the Blizzard-Server?

Bob Colayco: The way it works right now is that the replays are saved on your local computer. So when I play you save the replay on my computer. Maybe some other things we try to do is like how can you easily show the replay to your friends and make that more easy to transit to. As far as a specific functionality for we are not really ready to get into the details of that because there are still decisions being made as we develop, whether specific things will make it in with the launch of the game and what we will have to add on later because the development on the new will be continues. It’s not like we are launching a game and this is it, this is the end. There’s going to be more things added on as we go.

Frank Pierce: We are also talking about potential spectator’s functionality and things like that. We have an e-sports-team internally whose responsibility is to host the events that we run and also work for parties so that e-sports-team will be responsible for e-sport with StarCraft 2 as well.