Michele Morrow recently posted the second episode of her videocast “Level Up”. She talks about her touching story that led her to become a World of Warcraft fan. It was a few years ago during the filming of Basement Jack (horror film) that she was basically tossed into the air during a stunt, and landed on her head.

She spent over a year recovering from her neck injury, and with so much time she spent it playing a new game for her: World of Warcraft.

In this videocast, she links that immersion into World of Warcraft with a more recent event in her life where she got surgery to remove a rib — sequels from her Basement Jack filming’s accident.

A very thrilling phenomena spontaneously happened. Several friends and fans of Michele Morrow who play World of Warcraft with her in the guild Neverender started to send her in-game screenshots of their characters healing Lady Sylvanas in Undercity with first aid bandages as a way to tell Michele Morrow: “Get well, and recover!”

For those wondering, the past three years Michele Morrow has publicly shown interest to play her role in the upcoming Warcraft film by Sam Raimi.

A few months ago, after she told me this, I started the now-expired Heal Lady Sylvanas giveaway to support the actress.

She prepared a slideshow of most of the 200 in-game screenshot submissions as a thanks to her fans. Watch the video, and subscribe to her recently launched “Level Up” Youtube channel.