We have destroyed Onyxia and Nefarian. Owned Molten Core and extinguished Ragnaros’ flame.  We banded together once more, Alliance and Horde working as one so that the Ahn’Qiraj gates were opened to end a milenia delayed war. Together we withstood the invasion of the Burning Legion when the Dark Portal was opened once more.  Step by step we dismantled Hellfire Citadel putting an end to the wardog Kargath Bladefist, removed the threat of Prince Malchezaar in Karazhan, stopped the Infinite Dragonflight from altering time, halted Lady Vashj and Kael’Thas’ plans and recovered their vials of eternity to ensure Archimonde would die.  Finally, Illidan’s short-lived sovereignty over Outland is no more. The portals created by Ner’zhul twenty years ago and sealed by Illidan four years ago are ready for adventurers to open once more.

However, a cold, inviting, familiar voice has called us from the north.  It’s been so long.  Our strength and spirit has faded.  All that remains is hatred against the Legion and who oppose us. The Kirin Tor seeks to destroy the Lich King, and faces a bigger threat from Malygos and his flight. Why have we so blindly fought the wrong enemy far from our home … when in our very doorstep, conspires he who plans to end all life?

How foolish we have been.  We have walked into the footsteps of the mad Prince all along. All we accomplish was to destroy your enemies for you.  It might be too late for our lost souls. All hope gone. No! Nonsense. I must fight you … I must…argh! … Long live the Lich King. I live to serve you … Master. (grins)

Vaneras: “Chris Metzen has indicated that we don’t know if Arthas has gone mad or if he is working towards some master plan.

It does appear that he is taking a certain amount of joy out of making people do things they don’t want to be doing and reliving his ‘corruption’ through others.

What is certain is that we will get to see a lot more about Arthas’ motivations and delve further into his psyche as we quest through Northrend; and who knows how much of his influence will affect the objectives of what quests we do…”