The Earthen Ring arrives to the sunken lands of Vashj’ir after the Horde fleet is sunken by the naga. Players quickly help the survivors settle in underwater caverns to group up and explore the depths.

L’ghorek and Nespirah, two ancient trilobites, reveal the naga has allied with the faceless ones to assault Neptulon the Tidehunter. It’s the Earthen Ring’s mission to prevent the fall of Neptulon.

Adventurers may join their cause and don the Earthen Ring tabard to gain reputation in Heroic Cataclysm dungeons. Players can find the Earthen Ring Quartermaster at the Silver Tide Hollow located in the Shimmering Expanse (see the map).

The following items can be purchased through honored, revered and exalted:

Dragonmaw | Earthen Ring | Ramkahen | Therazane | Guardians of Hyjal

Dragonmaw | Earthen Ring | Ramkahen | Therazane | Guardians of Hyjal