The 2008 Arena Tournament is on Phase 2 and players can still experiment different classes and respec free to test their talent tree.  The final date for registration ends on May 6, and the real competition will start thereafter. I hopped into the Arena Tournament Server invited by Blizzard to offer Blizzplanet’s audience a view and taste. I wrote a brief Arena Tournament Beginner’s Guide. It tells you what you need to know and where to find certain items and gear.

First thing you should know is that you get unlimited gold and free respecs. Everyone has more or less the same gear, and enchantments are provided by Arena vendors as inscriptions for all your gear. Are you among the players who haven’t registered to the Arena Tournament? Take a look at the Beginner’s Guide and find out if it is worth giving it a shot. Blizzard has put a lot of work to balance the gear, gems and enchantments for this tournament, and cheer skills is what will decide who the winner is.