We were at the WoW / Diablo III Press-only Q&A on Saturday between 5-6pm asking questions to J. Allen Brack and Jay Wilson. Room 208a was packed with press members of various fansites. However, I managed to ask Jay Wilson the following:
In Diablo II, we were able to see the fate of the three heroes of the first Diablo game: the Warrior, the Sorceror and the Rogue. All went mad and turned to evil. Will the Diablo II heroes appear in Diablo III? Will we get to see what their fate was in these past 20 years?
Pretty much the answer was that we will see at least one of the Diablo II heroes in Diablo III. He didn’t want to comment much on this at this point. As you know the Barbarian in Diablo III is the same one from Diablo II, 20 years older. And now we got confirmation of yet another hero making a cameo in Diablo III. Who do you think this hero will be?
The Necromancer, the Assassin, the Amazon, the Druid, the Paladin, or the Sorceress? Will he be a quest giver or have gone mad or succumbed to evil? I guess we just opened a pandora’s box that will make us itch in curiosity for time to come.
We are still processing some Diablo III panel videos that DIRECTV didn’t cover. I am currently uploading 5GB worth of HD Video (5 files) to the IncGamers server of which nigh 50% is done. Tamer and Rush will edit them, and once they are ready we will post them on the front page.
You will like to hear what Jay Wilson said about Trading in Diablo III. That was one of the few questions I managed to pitch his way.
old news :/
first off, new class isn’t necro, it is probably a Native American physical rdps/amazonianish
also, apparently Belial, the Lord of Lies, in act 2 of d3, most likely posed as Tyrael in act 5 so he could destroy the worldstone (which is kinda nice so we don’t have to kill that studmuffin)