I have been working the past days on something you would like to visit often as your source for Inscription Glyphs. Whether you are adopting this new profession, or simply seeking which glyphs are available out there in order to go shopping on trade channel (WTB X glyph).

This is only a preview. I haven’t finished all of the classes.  Since Blizzplanet doesn’t data mine, I am doing this manually: cropping and cleaning the tooltip transparency. In total, I have found around 156 recipes available from the Grand Master Inscriber.  What you will view in the following page is barely less than 50% of those. I will be announcing updates during the week. Thus far, Warrior and Death Knight recipes haven’t been added to the beta build 8896. For future reference the Inscription link will be on our Wrath of the Lich King left menu. Spread the word.