The Great Trees of the world have been shaken to their roots; a new menace has come from the portals to the Emerald Dream. Four green dragons. once proud lieutenants of Ysera now corrupted by the Emerald Nightmare. have appeared in Azeroth to destroy the life they once dearly protected. Adventurers must ride forth and defend the land from this new threat. . .
Meanwhile in Silithus. the Cenarion Circle gathers at its Hold to research the strange goings-on both above and underneath the shifting sands. Something dangerous is stirring beyond the Scarab Wall. The Twilight’s Hammer are extremely active in the area. working to uncover some unnamed evil. Can you uncover the mysteries therein?
There is a disturbance at the Great Trees. A new threat menaces these secluded areas found in Ashenvale, Duskwood, Feralas, and Hinterlands. Four great guardians of the Green Dragonflight have arrived from the Dream, but these once-proud protectors now seek only destruction and death. Take arms with your fellows and march to these hidden groves—only you can defend Azeroth from the corruption they bring.
Ysera, Dragon Aspect of the Emerald Dream
Ysera, the great Dreaming dragon Aspect rules over the enigmatic green dragonflight. Her domain is the fantastic, mystical realm of the Emerald Dream – and it is said that from there she guides the evolutionary path of the world itself. She is the protector of nature and imagination, and it is the charge of her flight to guard all of the Great Trees across the world, which only druids use to enter the Dream itself.
In recent times, Ysera’s most trusted lieutenants have been warped by a dark new power within the Emerald Dream. Now these wayward sentinels have passed through the Great Trees into Azeroth, intending to spread madness and terror throughout the mortal kingdoms. Even the mightiest of adventurers would be well advised to give the dragons a wide berth, or suffer the consequences of their misguided wrath.
Lethon’s exposure to the aberration within the Emerald Dream not only darkened the hue of the mighty dragon’s scales, but also empowered him with the ability to extract malevolent shades from his enemies. Once joined with their master, the shades imbue the dragon with healing energies. It should come as no surprise, then, that Lethon is considered to be among the most formidable of Ysera’s wayward lieutenants.
A mysterious dark power within the Emerald Dream has transformed the once-majestic Emeriss into a rotting, diseased monstrosity. Reports from the few who have survived encounters with the dragon have told horrifying tales of putrid mushrooms erupting from the corpses of their dead companions. Emeriss is truly the most gruesome and appalling of Ysera’s estranged green dragons.
Taerar was perhaps the most affected of Ysera’s rogue lieutenants. His interaction with the dark force within the Emerald Dream shattered Taerar’s sanity as well as his corporeal form. The dragon now exists as a specter with the ability to split into multiple entities, each of which possesses destructive magical powers. Taerar is a cunning and relentless foe who is intent on turning the madness of his existence into reality for the inhabitants of Azeroth.
Once one of Ysera’s most trusted lieutenants, Ysondre has now gone rogue, sewing terror and chaos across the land of Azeroth. Her formerly beneficent healing powers have given way to dark magics, enabling her to cast smoldering lightning waves and summon the aid of fiendish druids. Ysondre and her kin also possess the ability to induce sleep, sending her unfortunate mortal foes to the realm of their most terrifying nightmares.