What sort of things would you like to see in future WoW books? | (10/18/2008) Powered by: CoveritLive |
Blizzplanet: The Lore chat will start very soon in two hours at 5:00pm. You can catch up anytime. I am hoping to chat for a minimum of three hours. The topic is What sort of thing would you like to see in future World of Warcraft books?
However, fans can also suggest Starcraft or Diablo books. If you really wish Blizzard and Pocket Star Books or Tokyopop to tell the story of certain stage in the past of Azeroth, Koprulu sector, or Sanctuary—feel free to submit your suggestion and discuss yours and others’ ideas. |
2:50 | [Standby] Chat starting at 5:00pm |
Blizzplanet: alrite, let’s commence |
[Comment From Mike] Ok, first idea: Kerrigan’s past and how she came to serve Mengsk. |
Blizzplanet: I think this one was covered in Starcraft: Uprising |
[Comment From Silverfall] Hello MD. How are you doing? |
[Comment From PsiSeveredHead] Personally, I think Infested Stukov needs to be covered. |
Blizzplanet: Doing alright. Almost didn’t make it. Got carried away playing Half-Life 2: Deathmatch ;p |
Blizzplanet: Infested Stukov, that’s a good idea. In the SCLegacy Q&A, Metzen said that Starcraft N64 mission was canon. |
[Comment From Hawki] IT was |
[Comment From PsiSeveredHead] Hardly anyone knows about him, he’s only been in that mission in a game hardly anyone played (Resurrection IV), and many people don’t realize it’s canon, either. |
[Comment From Hawki] Sorry, missed a bit. Anyway, I formulated a list of suggestions: |
[Comment From Mike] Argh, I haven’t read that one. ^^ |
[Comment From PsiSeveredHead] And who is Kaloth, and how, as a Cerebrate, is he still alive? |
[Comment From Hawki] Warcraft -Is there any chance of the events of the First War being told in novel format, similar to how the Second War received such treatment from Rosenberg and Golden? The Last Guardian was set in the timeframe, but it was something in the background rather than a main plot point for the most part. -Is there any chance of a story actually set during World of Warcraft? Cycle of Hatred acted as a prelude to WoW, Rise of the Horde served as backstory for BC 1 Comment |
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