A few weeks ago, a rumor mill started when PCGamer wrapped up the June Edition magazine with an interesting and catchy Next Issue riddle that caught many Diablo fans in a brainstorming haze. Blizzplanet contacted PCGamer and they denied the August Edition was about Diablo or any Blizzard game. (Read More)
Today a new Rumor Mill has ignited engines at the DiabloFans Forums with PC Action (Germany) using the same type of catchy riddle. Of course, it can be any game, and as some fans said: “… We are just picking straws, like we always do.”
The riddle says:
Von einer uns bekannten Person erfuhren wir geheime Informationen über ein heiß erwartetes Spiel eines sehr bekannten Spieleentwicklers, dessen Namen wir nicht nennen dürfen. Klingt sauwichtig, oder? Sagen wir so: Der Gedanke daran lässt unsere Bettlaken nass werden. Habt ihr Ideen? Dann postet sie in den Kommentarbereich. Selbst wenn die Hölle zufriert oder Kühe beginnen Bier zu geben – wir verraten nichts!
pcaction.de meint: HAHA! Wir haben Bilder gesehen und ihr nicht! |
30.05.2008 10:55 – We found out some secret information about a much awaited game, from a very well known game developer, whom we can’t name. Sounds extremely important, doesn’t it? Let’s say: Pure thought about it makes our bedsheets wet. Got any ideas? Post them in the comments. Even if the hell froze and cows gave beer – we would spill nothig out!
pcaction.de thinks: HAHA! we have seen the pictures and you have not!—Source: PCAction |
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The reason this new rumor mill is rolling is the use of two intriguing connotations: Hell and Cows. Are fans seeing things where there is none? Collective hysteria? I don’t know personally. Fans want the game so much, they jump to conclusions at unison. Who am I lying to? I am on that wagon myself.
Read more at the DiabloFans Forum Thread that spawned the new Rumor. Post your comment at the forum thread … Blizzard is listening.
Update: The internet is surely a magical gateway and pretty fast. Bluesnews is now echoing the rumor mill. Not a surprise, since any gaming news outlet out there dies to hear anything about a new Diablo installment from Blizzard. As an update, I just established contact with PC Action a few minutes ago (2pm EST/-5GMT). They were fast to reply. I will update in a few minutes (It is 1am Germany time, so I guess tomorrow I may get a official statement from PC Action).
UPDATE June 5 10am EST (-5GMT).
PC Action: Unfortunately we are not allowed to talk about any details at the moment concerning this game |
On another note, Diablo fansite PurePandemonium claims to have gotten a statement today from Michael Gough – voice actor who performed as Deckard Cain in Diablo II. I don’t know if this one is true either, but I do have Michael Gough’s contact details from his agent since July 2007—it won’t be hard to confirm. More updates as they become available.
UPDATE June 5 10am EST (-5GMT)
Blizzplanet: Though, brief and not really saying yes or no about the authenticy of the PurePandemonium email, Michael Gough replied my email. He won’t talk further on the topic. I would say the PurePandemonium snippet from him is real. He was conservative and somewhat of a teaser without really confirming anything …. Let’s just say he replied with riddles as he does in his role a la Deckard Cain. Grins. Michael Gough: “I’m afraid I can offer no further info at this time, lest I be |
Something I reported a few months ago, which may explain why these rumors are taken so seriously is that the official Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals website’s FAQ page says the following:
Due to the nature of some content at the 2008 Blizzard Entertainment Worldwide Invitational, attendees under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or responsible adult (of 18 years and above). |
Slap me dumb, but I don’t recall World of Warcraft or Starcraft 2 content requiring under age 16 players needing a babysitter (parent).
Starcraft: Brood War was rated ESRB T (Teen). You can find the ESRB rating at the bottom of the Starcraft website. World of Warcraft is also rated ESRB T (Teen) … find the rating at the bottom of the World of Warcraft official website.
Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.
And finally, Diablo II was rated ESRB M+17 (Mature) as you may see at the Diablo II website
Titles rated M (Mature) have content that may be suitable for persons ages 17 and older. Titles in this category may contain intense violence, blood and gore, sexual content and/or strong language.
Are you pondering, what I am pondering … Pinky?
NOTE: An update follow up was posted afterwards with PC Action actually addressing Diablofans.com with crazy teasers at their german website article. Read more here.