I guess I am getting used to boarding airplanes—with July 20th attending the Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty single player hands-on fansite event, and now—in less than a month.

Arrived to a Texas Airport around 5pm CST, and I could swear some guys down there at the control tower were saying: “Houston, Houston—do you copy? I think we got a [problem]. We are seeing a fiery Medievaldragon land on our field.”

Silliness aside, it was a nice trip, except for my old back pain. They surely don’t make those seats for tall people (6’1”).

Reached California around 7pm, and called the taxi van that was scheduled by Blizzard Entertainment to pick me up.  Two guys boarded the taxi, and the driver was curious why the other guys meant to be there for pickup hadn’t arrived yet.

I knew at least one of those meant to take the taxi with me: pR0gR4m3R from Starcraft-ESP.

Met the girl that won the Lore Contest. She was invited by Blizzard to the event.  Looks like LordofAscension and pR0gR4m3R had flight issues, and arrived much later nigh midnight. Didn’t get to have dinner with them as planned.

Found AJ (Starcraft.org) and Starcraft2forums.com or was that Starcraft-Source? Meh, too tired to remember.  I’m not too chatty, so I was just listening their dreadful WWI Paris stories, and laughing some at the old memories. Around 10:30pm, since the dinner with the guys wasn’t gonna happen till they arrived past midnight, I went with the Lore contest winner to eat at Ihop. Go figure, they don’t just sell pancakes. Yup, I’m an Ihop nooblar.  Went to bed by midnight, and woke up nigh 5am. We are heading to Blizzard campus after 9:30am for the Fansites Summit. More later.