Norgannon, the titan lore keeper and master-magician, granted the Blue dragon, Malygos, a portion of his vast power. From then on, Malygos would be known as the Spell-weaver, the guardian of magic and hidden arcanum.

Malygos is a huge leviathan with small wings.  His body is covered with crystalline scales of pure azure.  His body shines with shifting colors that change constantly from blue to silver.

Malygos has an extraordinary command over magic, and although he is not as powerful physically, his spellcasting more than counters that disadvantage.  Malygos lives in a cave within Northrend, and his lair contains many arcane magical artifacts. Malygos and his dragonflight search for any magical source and artifacts and protect them so that mortal races may not endanger the world with their reckless use.

Malygos was close friend of Neltharion the Earth Warder and was convinced by Neltharion to help him with the other Dragon Aspects decide to create the Dragon Soul.  During the War of the Ancients,  when Azshara and her highborne opened the gateway on the Well of Eternity to allow the Burning Legion access to Ancient Kalimdor—Neltharion proposed that to end the invasion of demons, each Dragon Aspect and their dragonflights had to give a portion of their powers to the Dragon Soul.  The artifact was a simple golden disc created by Neltharion(later known as Deathwing).

Malygos convinced the Dragon Aspects to support Neltharion.  The Dragon Soul was to be used as a weapon against the demons.  Neltharion and all the Dragon Aspects and their dragonflights flew toward the battle where Ancients had already perished and only Night Elves were holding back the Demons.

With a whim, Neltharion destroyed many demons and Night Elves alike by wielding the Demon Soul.  The Dragon Aspects horrorized tried to stop Neltharion.  Malygos’s blue dragonflight surrounded Neltharion to take the Dragon Soul from him.  With a single command, all blue dragons were engulfed by the Dragon Soul and pulverized.

Malygos was deeply affected for being the one to support Neltharion convincing the Dragon Aspects to infuse their powers into the dragon soul.  Malygos became insane after losing all of his dragonflight and hid in his lair in Northrend for many milennia.  His guilt and shame made him a solitude dragon.  During ten thousand years, he was rarely seen by the other Dragon Aspects.  His body was a caricature of his former self.  A thin body surrounded by frozen ice, almost skeletal.

After the Second War, Alexstrasza was kidnapped by the Dragonmaw Clan orcs and taken to Grim Batol.  Her younger consort Korialstraz, known as Krasus, visited Malygos to seek his support to join the other Dragon Aspects in an attempt to free Alexstrasza.  Although Malygos refused, Krasus convinced him by revealing that Deathwing was still alive and that he had indirectly led the Dragonmaw Orcs to find the Demon Soul.

The memory of the Demon Soul artifact shivered Malygos … his shame, his guilt.  His dragonflight perished because of the Demon Soul.  Krasus finally said that Alexstrasza could use her powers over life to grant Malygos a new dragonflight.

After Deathwing was defeated and the Demon Soul destroyed, he once more was his full self.  Rhonin the mage destroyed the Demon Soul using a scale of Deathwing and with a spell, all the content of the Demon Soul was transfered back to the Dragon Aspects, returning their full power back to them.  Now Malygos has a new dragonflight of blue dragons.  Although there are very few, the dragonflight will grow slowly giving hope to Malygos.

The last twenty years,  the blue dragonflight is searching for ancient artifacts of arcane power around the world to keep mortals away from powerful weapons.  Blue dragons and Malygos live mostly in frostlands and underwater in artic waters.  Malygos and his dragonflight can shapeshift like any other dragonflight.

Most recently during World of Warcraft times, Malygos sent one of his youngest dragons to the Plaguelands in search of a strange magic source.  Kalecgos flew to the Plaguelands when suddenly attacked by Mercenaries.  A dwarf named Harkyn Grymstome and his servants: Voll and Snee(trolls), and an orc hunted Kalec.  The Dwarf used to be loyal to Terenas until Arthas betrayed his father.  With Lordaeron destroyed the dwarf dwelled and fled in a caravan.  A black dragon killed his family and friends.  Ever since the dwarf swore to kill that dragon.  Any dragon even if they were other color.

Kalec fell from the sky surrounded by a net.  A female human named Anveena found him and helped him escape.  Back at her home, her parents welcomed the stranger Kalec.  The Mercenaries were sent by Dar’Khan—a high elf that betrayed Quel’Thalas, leading Arthas to the Sunwell.  The Mercenaries were to stop any dragon while searching the source of magic that Kalec was sent to find by orders of Malygos.

Anveena had the source at home.  A strange egg.  Read more details of Malygos’ servant Kalecgos at Warcraft Manga: The Sunwell Trilogy based on World of Warcraft times. Official lore.

Currently, in World of Warcraft, players are recruited by Haleh the blue dragonflight Mother Protectorate in Mazthoril, Winterspring.  Awbee, a dying whelp on the ground at Blackrock Spire, asks us to find Haleh the Mother Protectorate with a scale of his, as a message.  Haleh requests our help and recruits us as her agent to make sure that Nefarian and his Chromatic Dragonflight are destroyed.  In order to do so, Paladins, Hunters and Warriors are sent to meet Jeziba in Andorhal:

Haleh: “he Aspects insist that we stay out of the affairs of mortals. In this world, however, such a thing is not always possible – especially when one of our own contemptuously disregards such edicts.

We understand what the cursed brood of Deathwing attempts to do and we know that it cannot be allowed.  Because of the protection Blackrock mountain affords Nefarian, it has become increasingly difficult for us to intercede.  We can, however, empower you, mortal – should you so choose.
The path before you is one full of peril. You must decide whether to accept our help. Ponder this and speak with me again when a decision has been made.

It is the arcane that I control and the arcane which will send you to your next destination.  When you are ready, the journey will begin. To the Plaguelands you will go and to Jeziba you will speak.

He is a mortal as wise as the ancients and as patient as the immovable earth. Find him in Andorhal” (You get teleported from Winterspring to Caer Darrow Lake in Western Plaguelands).

Another quest by Haleh, the Blue dragon Mother protectorate asks Alliance to get the blood of Drakkisath to create a device that may grant you access to Onyxia’s Lair.

Drakkisath’s Amulet Quest

Haleh: “It is a piece of the dragon; a scale – enchanted and transformed. Whole, it could have granted access to the beast’s lair. Shattered, it is useless.  It is possible to repair the item, but to do so would require the blood of a black dragon champion. There is one… He is known as General Drakkisath, ruler of the dragonspawn armies of Nefarian. Perhaps you have heard of him?  Return with his blood, human, and I shall enchant the fragment into something that will grant you access to Onyxia’s lair.”

As an agent of the Blue Dragonflight, you will help Malygos in defeating the threat of Deathwing’s offsprings.

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