Last week, we held a live chat with Christie Golden and fans to discuss details of her World of Warcraft: Arthas novel.  It was a blast not just for fans, but for Christie and her publisher Jaime who wish to repeat the experience.  We gathered the contact info of some of the attendees who wished to participate in our giveaway of five ARTHAS Collector’s Gift Boxes, and asked them to share their feedback about their interaction with Christie and Jaime. You can read all of our winners and their opinions of the live chat below, after the break. Congratulations.

If you aren’t among the winners, our collegues at WoWInsider are giving away 10 copies of ARTHAS. They cover Blizzplanet news pretty often and offer great support.  Give their giveaway a try.

The random winners of a World of Warcraft: Arthas Collector’s Edition are:


1. How was your experience interacting with Christie Golden, being able to ask questions to her directly, and being able to compliment her?

missamelia: My questions were already covered by the time I got there, but I will say that it was a wonderful experience being able to see Christie interact so casually with lore fans, and I definitely appreciate the opportunity for us to ask such an esteemed author questions directly. Without a doubt something I would take part in again.

exterminator1: I loved it.  I was so nervous.  But it was so much fun to be able to interact with her and actually be able to talk to the actual author.  I’m still taken back by the whole experience.

Malygos: Well it was an honor of asking her directly, though not that it’s the same as watching and hearing a video one.

amirynth: Oh goodness! I -love- her.  She was so down to earth and nice.  She was very concise and answered our questions well without giving away too much as well as adding in her own opinions.  It was very kind of her to let us lowly fans be able to hang out, especially as she stayed on that little bit longer.

fowler193: Christie was really open with the fans, and seemed quite fun. I enjoyed her company and could talk to her like any guildie or fellow WoW player, as well as getting serious answers from the questions asked.

maxguy: I almost Died inside in fact that was my question I just wanted her to say hello to me. Awww man she was so nice.

teranar: Well I imagine she was blushing with the shower of compliments, but being able to answer questions about why she told the story like she did will—I believe—make those reading the story that much more enthusiastic about it.

dfallox: I enjoyed every part of it. I loved being able to ask one of the writers of the Warcraft universe questions.

Mugivord: It was nice to be able to talk with an author and see how passionate they are about their writing and how her fans appreciate her work.

Mario: I found it a marvelous experience. Chistie Golden is the best novel writer the Warcraft universe has had and being able to interact with her directly and find more about her thoughts and procedures while writing the book was a unique experience.

lotherius: Christie seems great. She really gave her fans and those who were just curious a very warm welcome. I felt like Golden was very light hearted and could sense the fun and took it very serious nonetheless. It was good to be able to ask Golden in person, sort of speak. It made personal, and like she was answering your query directly, whilst informing others. Christie Golden in my opinion is one of the great Fiction writers out there, and the compliments she received are due one hundred times over.

Gary: Really cool interacting with her directly. She seems very down to Earth and friendly. Was nice of her to stay later than planned to chat with us!

Marius: Very good! It’s fun to, first of all chat live with a celebrity, but maybe most of all to actually get some insight in the author’s opinions. Especially as we love this universe so much, getting some thoughts and views from a “creator” is highly enjoyable. I haven’t read many of her works, so I couldn’t give heartful compliments. However, gauging from what other attendants said, it seemed as she had done a good job. This whole experience made me want to read books written by her (especially “Lord of the Clans” and “Rise of the Horde” since Christie spoke particularly warmly about them) along with other warcraft books. It also made me want more information about starcraft-lore. I think many people had this same impression, which is good for Christie’s publicity. Tell her I said that, and that she should definitely come again sometime.

Chris: Was certainly better than most Q&A’s, she actually seemed human! Wasn’t actually planning to ask any questions but ended up doing so as she seemed to really enjoy what she was talking about, always more interesting than someone just doing it because they have to.

mandrakegeek: It was nice. I liked that she was able to answer very much like if she were at a panel discussion …

Marian: It was a wonderful experience to have the chance to discuss with one of my favourite authors^^

Mikeztarp: It was incredible to be able to interact with an author like that. I’ve actually never been to a signing before, so this was the first time I had any contact with one of my favorite writers. And Christie is so approachable and funny – even mischievous sometimes – that it was a great experience.

Otso: I really liked it, i kinda wished it was more of a chat room but then all the questions would have been gone thru a big spam so i can understand, i really wanted to thank her personally so yeah reason I joined the most to the chat.

2. Did your perception of the WoW: Arthas changed now that she revealed so many details about it? If so, how did it impact your craving of the book?

missamelia: My perception only changed in that now I have an even deeper appreciation for the world and characters she has helped develop.

exterminator1: Yes, I really can’t wait to get my hands on the book now. The way she explained some of the plots just makes me wish the book was here today.  Sounds like yet another truly great book from her.  cant wait 😀

Malygos: Reading Christie’s responses about Arthas change the whole atmosphere on how I thought of Arthas corrupted by the actions of the undead and Ner’zhul to being break down under pressure from his mentors, friends,  fellow captains. Now in so way I pity Arthas before the Scourge made their move, yet still hate him for his actions of killing his father and banishing Ner’zhul after leaving what ever he learned from him. (Still hope Blizzard will redeem Ner’zhul’s past actions on his race before pre-Outland’s destruction.)

Well you know that I already have the galley and read it but still I’m one of the people that are sucked into the lore Blizzard creates, I try read about every book that’s been published (expect the two WC and SC pocket books and I don’t care for the mangas that much.) and I read for pleasure always. Christie’s dedication to the orcs and warcraft I admire, Lord of the Clans is among my favorite books, read that about 5 times.

Taretha’s relationship to Thrall touched my heart and when I read LoTc the first time, reading that Tari was killed by the drunk Blackmoore and Thrall’s sorrow/anger of her death brought some tears to my eyes I’ll admit. The love scene with Arthas and Jaina with the snow ball fight brought me a few chuckles, though the ball event was heart breaking.

amirynth:  I did not know that much before, Wow is the first time playing in the universe but that little bit of reading I’ve done was interesting, however not as engaging.  The parts I have read and the bit I found out from this chat session has really intrigued me.  I will definitely be looking to snag this book so I can learn more about what went on in the past of the world my character run in.

fowler193: Honestly, I have to say no, not really after reading CLANS, I found that Golden always digs deeper than the main storyline to keep readers hooked, but nevertheless I’m excitied.

maxguy: Of course Not!!! Now that i know some facts I’m more that intrigued i want to have it right now.

teranar: Well I had always sympathized with Arthas from playing Warcraft 3, and always saw him as a hero who cracked under pressure and went off the
deep end. By the time the undead campaign came along I had felt that I had gone off the deep end with him and slaughtered the living and his former allies at his side. I’m really keen on seeing how Christie portrays this in the book, and hoping I get the same feeling.

dfallox: I must admit it changed my perception of the book – I look forward to the book now more than ever.

Mugivord: After reading what Christie had to say about the book, it made me want to read the book even more.  She made you want to read the book even more to learn more about Arthas than you could have learned though the game.

Mario: It only made me want the book even more. The way she described, the research she did, the way she got into the characters’ heads and their interactions with each other was proof of her commitment to the fictional universes she delves into and that is something I greatly appreciate. WoW: Arthas is a book that I’m certain I’ll greatly enjoy.

lotherius: I assumed she was going to delve more in depth than just the W3 story, that didn’t shock me, but the little nooks and crannies where she has veared off into Kael, and Jaina, they really fit in, and with this bring more and more expectation on how good the Novel is going to be.

Gary: I was always planning on getting WoW: Arthas anyway after reading her past books, but it was nice learning a bit more about it the planning that went into it and a bit more about the plot. Looking forward to it’s release date!

Marius: Of course, events like this puts the book in more focus and just that makes me really crave it. When talking to the author, you also get a very personal description of the book, which sure helps too. My perception of the book did not really change; it rather evolved. Before, I hadn’t made up many thoughts of what it was going to be like, and now that my expectation got built up by Christie herself, the wish to see what the book is actually like, is huge.

Chris: It didn’t so much change my perception of the book as just fill in the blanks as to what to expect, all I really had in my mind about it beforehand was “Arthas’ life”. Certainly made me more desperate to read it though, may even force me to rethink paying for the collector’s edition, I’m such a sucker for shiny stuff! raspberry

mandrakegeek: My perceptions are unchanged as I’ve read her other Warcraft books and came away wanting more, but I am still eagerly awaiting the release of this title later this month.

Marian: The chat did change my perception in the way that I now crave the book even more.

Mikeztarp: My perception has only change in the way that I now want to read the book even more. It was very interesting to learn how much she researches before writing, and how authors work with Blizzard. She actually changes the in-game world!

Otso: I already know the story of the book, but hearing her Point of views on things like Culling of Stratholme wasn’t an evil act by Arthas, but just chaotic-good decision.

3. What did you like the best from the public chat and WoW: Arthas.

missamelia: The easy, casual way lore fans were able to interact with a Warcraft author. Oh, and being able to see the author’s perspective on certain issues and characters. smile

exterminator1: Just being able to interact with Christie. I still can’t believe I actually had the honor of being able to talk with her via chat.  Almost like being right there.  Such a great experience and I really can’t wait to do another one.

I have not read the book yet.  But some of the teasers given in the Q&A session.  I’m just giddy and can’t wait to read it.  I’m really interested in seeing how Christie worked her magic on bringing out what made Arthas tick and his reasonings behind some of his “infamous” and dire decisions.

In Closing, I’m just so grateful I had the opportunity to speak with Christie.  She writes some incredible books.  Truly something I will remember.  Just a small town guy from Pittsburgh 😀

Malygos: Christies friendly responses to the questions and the way she viewed the events/people have indeed change my perceptive on Arthas and other characters.

amirynth: Christie!  Mostly it was the fact that we got a chance to talk to her and find out about her little projects.  It really does speak volumes when an author or other artist is willing to talk about the small things as well as the big ones.  Not just the plot points but personal reflections on why she chose to do what.

fowler193: I found the ability to really question Golden on her work and what she thought on different issues really came across to me personally well, and as with many others of those who attended the live chat. As for the Novel, I look forward to reading it more and more as each day passes!

maxguy: About the chat; that they had a good control about the questions. About the book I need it now!

teranar: To be honest? The silly fun of being in a chat room with not just the people writing the book but other fans of Warcraft.

dfallox: Besides the ability to talk to one of the writers of the Warcraft universe? I enjoyed the questions regarding Arthas’ innocence a lot. Regarding the book I can’t wait to be able to read how he grew up, but most of all – to see what happened after the events of the Frozen Throne undead campaign.

Mugivord: The ability to see how many other people are passionate about the lore and to see that Christie is the same way when it comes to staying true to the established lore, but able to also expand on it more through her books.

Mario: The opportunity to interact with an official writer and find about her take on the characters and events she writes about and develops in her work. Also, the answers she provided are sure to fuel our discussions on Warcraft for a long time to come!

lotherius: I found that being able to ask her directly, and her answering your question, which felt almost one to one, gave me a great deal of respect for Golden, she took on board whatever the fans wanted to know answering there question to the best of her ability. From the Chat I am seething to read this book, it has given me insight into a book that I was already looking forward to read, imagine how I feel now!

Gary: Probably just talking with my favorite author! Hope something like this can be arranged again!

Marius: The best part was when my question got though, and Christie said it was a good one.  A bit more generally, I liked the opportunity to meet the author and get to know her personality a bit better. There were some jokes around (for example when someone asked if Raynor would beat some other guy in a fight). These added substance to the chat, and made it something more than just a cold interview.

Chris: Felt like a school boy being patted on the head by my teacher when she said mine was a good question, so it’d have to be that :D.

mandrakegeek: The random comment to “nerf Christie”. Not really, but in all seriousness I think just the ability to dig somewhat into the lore that could leave you with that lingering nagging question in the back of your head that “what if…” instead of actually what did transpire. I’m somewhat new into the whole Warcraft lore thing and am really enjoying being able to see discussions like this taking place.

Marian: I don’t know which part I liked most because the whole chat was wonderful.

Mikeztarp: The public had some very interesting questions, especially the folks from Scrolls of Lore. They were very knowledgeable and had precise and pertinent questions and reactions. As for WoW: Arthas, I’ll have to read it before I make any “official” statement, but my expectations are definitely high.

Otso: Being able to chat and thank Christie Golden for those extra minutes we received, it was really cool and the moderator Jaime also did a good job there too.