SCLegacy recently published an editorial article based on scattered Starcraft 2 info surrounding the lore behind a protoss’ death animation.  Do the protoss really die when they vaporize in a flash of blue light?  According to lore they don’t.  They are teleported to safety. Read further details at very informative SC:L Editorial: The Animation of Death.

The StarCraft universe is growing in content and expanding into new media. Books and even board games are beginning to derive their subject matter from this universe. With this new responsibility, it is necesary for Blizzard to have a clear canon policy and to avoid inconsistencies in the storyline. Retroactive continuities, or retcons, undermine the storyboard of the original game and serve only to create more of these inconsistencies. Though retcons are resented by most fans, they are sometimes necessary to clean up the lore and avoid further inconsistencies. At StarCraft: Legacy we plan to examine the benefits and consequences of these retcons both generally and specifically.

For now, we present to you a case study of a new retcon which deals with the protoss death animations.