Chris Sigaty addressed the Korean players in a video during the celebration of the New Year in Korea. He talks about recent game convention events, the booming of eSports worldwide, and assuring it will get even better with the upcoming expansion.

      Chris Sigaty: I’m Chris Sigaty, production director for StarCraft II. It was a pleasure to meet many of you at G-Star 2011 and BlizzCon. Thanks so much for all the passion and enthusiasm you have shown for StarCraft II.

      We enjoyed all the exciting StarCraft II tournaments in 2011, and we are especially excited about GSL (Global StarCraft II Team League) and the Blizzard Cup Finals between MMA and DongRaeGu.

      Seeing communities across the world come together to enjoy eSports has been amazing. The Korean players have once again shown their dominance still in tournaments throughout the year.

      We hope 2012 will be even better for the StarCraft and eSport communities as we continue to work hard on StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm — the first expansion for StarCraft II, as well as Blizzard DOTA.

      We wish you all the best in the new year.