Blizzplanet recently moved to a new server.  With the return of the server owner from a lengthy summer work schedule coming to an end, he is taken care once more of the banner ads that help him cost server operations.  We have an agreement that no gold ads or powerleveling, or google ads which show those very often will be displayed.  However, this is a new ad company he had not participated in before.

If you see a single ad containing this type of advertising, please email me asap to inform the owner of the server.  I have zero tolerance for those ads.  I have received juicy $$$ proposals from this type of pseudo-companies to advertise in Blizzplanet.  Make no mistake, I do need the money.  But I have turned down the offers.  Blizzplanet is a registered member of the Blizzard Fansites Program.  As such, I do not plan to place gold ads under any circumstance.  I have been offered to sell the domain name, as well.  The answer is no.  Don’t ask again.

I have no control over the ads, but I can ask the server owner to filter them. Email me here to report any appearance of unwanted ads.

Thanks for the support, Blizzard and its fans, over the years.