I am speechless.  After my recent review of Diablo: Demonsbane, early this morning I visited Robert B. Marks blog to see any new updates and there I find out he read my review.  I had said I would like to read new adventures of Siggard, the main character in Demonsbane, to which he answers he did wrote a continuation in Garwulf’s Corner# 43 back on 2002.  However, fans will have to wait until Diii.net resurrects the archive. So far, Diii.net has re-posted # 1-10 and plans to add new batches every week. At that rate we might get to read #43 in four weeks.

Robert B. Marks also responds to my wish of reading more books from him. He already has the title and topic of possible Diablo novels he could pitch Blizzard Entertainment if they wanted him to write new books.

The title of any new Diablo novels he gets to write would be … Angels of Darkness, Soldiers of Light

The joy. You really should read Diablo: Demonsbane from the Diablo Archive to experience what others who have read it feel now after hearing he is interested in writing new stories based on the Diablo universe.

  • Read Robert B. Marks blog here
  • Submit your own Diablo: Demonsbane review here at the DiabloFans forums.
  • Read Garwulf’s Corner# 43: The Fate of Siggard by Robert B. Marks here