Mission Briefing

Izsha: The protoss have launched a vessel from the dark side of Kaldir. We are still able to sense its presence but time is running short.


  • Roach Evolution Mission


  • +1 Kerrigan Level




Kerrigan: One of your ships escaped.


Lasarra: Then you need only await the Golden Armada. Your death will be swift.


Kerrigan: I’m sorry.

Lasarra: For what? Slaughtering my people?

Kerrigan: For what I must do to you. Your friends on that ship can sense you. They know they left one behind.


Note: Kerrigan’s hand opens to reveal a zerg larva. She throws it into Lasarra’s torso and infests her.

Lasarra: No…

Kerrigan: But they can’t warp you to their ship, because I’m blocking them.

Lasarra: No, no!


Kerrigan: But if I drop the veil…

Lasarra: Do not warp me in, Templar! Do not-


Izsha: You let the other protoss take her?

Kerrigan: She will be their death.



Lasarra: The Templar must be warned…


Kerrigan: Now.

Note: Lasarra groans in agony, and explodes. The larva spawns from Lasarra’s remains.


Kerrigan: Listen carefully. This ship contains many dangers. Follow my commands and hide in the shadows. You will consume and grow. Infest this ship and kill every last protoss onboard. Now go, and spawn your brood.

Kerrigan: A zealot! Use your parasitic invasion to hide within that creature.

Note: The larva gains a new ability – Parasitic Invasion [Q]: Causes the Larva to leap toward the targeted creature, infest it, and take control.


Zealot: What was that noise?

Kerrigan: Alright, he’s gone. Consume your host and move on.

Note: The larva gains a new ability – Consume Host [W]: Devours the creature from within, giving biomass to the zerg.

Kerrigan: A sentry! Hide in the steam vents until it passes.


Sentry: Creep detected. Priority One: Established. All other priorities rescinded. Patrolling.

Kerrigan: There’s no way around those zealots. Invade the ursadon and crush them.


Zealot: The zerg have infested the ursadon!

Kerrigan: So the protoss think they have a few infested animals… They have no idea what they’re up against.

Kerrigan: The time has come for you to grow into a broodmother. Stop here. This area is safe from prying eyes. Evolve. Grow.

Note: Niadra gains a new ability – Birth Zergling [W]: Fast melee unit. Leaps over obstacles and onto targets from range. Deals increased damage. Can morph into a Baneling. (Raptor Strain)

Kerrigan: You are Niadra. This is your purpose: spawn a brood and destroy the protoss.



Niadra: I live to serve. Kill these creatures. I can consume their biomass and use it to grow our brood.

Expedition Leader: The zerg have infiltrated our vessel! Warriors, destroy them!

Niadra: Tear down their defenses! Nothing stops the Swarm!

Niadra: This vent is our only way forward! Go!

Niadra: There! That structure powers this shield!

Niadra: The shield no longer blocks my path. Let us move forward. A strong energy emanates from this part of the ship. What is its purpose?

Niadra: The energy… it is overwhelming.

Kerrigan: You’ve found their warp drive! Destroy it and this vessel will never reach Shakuras!

Niadra: The shield is down! I’ll destroy the warp drive myself!


Protoss Vessel: Warning. A warp drive breach has occurred. Evacuate immediately.

Expedition Leader: contain them! The zerg must not reach the stasis chambers!

Niadra: You will not hold back the Swarm!

Note: A cutscene plays: The Warp Drive explodes.

Niadra: The explosions have stopped.

Kerrigan: Wait, there is a disturbance in the chamber ahead.

Protoss vessel: Emergency. Power failure detected. Awakening protoss warriors from stasis.


Kerrigan: It’s time to evolve, and expand your control over your brood, Niadra.

Expedition Leader: Exterminate the specimens! Do not allow the zerg to consume them!

Niadra: Kill their warriors! I must have that biomass!


Kerrigan: You must evolve, grow stronger. The final battle approaches.

Niadra: Do not let them kill the ursadon! The Ursadon is mine. Come beast, we have protoss to destroy.

Kerrigan: The protoss are fortifying the bridge. Prepare your forces.


Expedition Leader: The ship has taken us as far as it can! Prepare the escape pods!

Kerrigan: Destroy the pods before they launch! The protoss must not reach Shakuras!


Niadra: They prepare more escape pods! Destroy them!

Expedition Leader: We will never be defeated. We give our lives for the Khala!

Niadra: Yes… you will.



Niadra: The protoss are no more, my queen. My queen, can you hear me? We are alone. The Queen of Blades has given us one purpose: to destroy the protoss. We will be prepared… We will serve again.



Love the story? Buy StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty and the StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm Expansion Pack.