Blizzard Entertainment implemented a hotfix on the Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Friends & Family Beta Testing realms to address a bug with Crushing Blows.

Nevalistis: Below you will find a list of hotfixes recently implemented in our Friends & Family Beta that address various bugs and mechanic tweaks. These have been implemented to encourage experimenting with other items, skills, or mechanics while we revisit them for the next patch.

These hotfixes should not require you to download a new patch for the Friends & Family Beta. Some of the hotfixes below will go live the moment they are implemented while others may require a restart of the game to go into effect. Please keep in mind that some issues cannot be addressed without a client-side patch. Also note that changes to certain abilities will not be reflected in its tooltip until a patch is issued.



  • Crushing Blow is being temporarily disabled.
  • Since Crushing Blow is currently adversely skewing data and feedback from the beta, we’re going to remove it for the time being. We’ll be continuing to iterate on this stat in the meantime.


Gloves of Worship

  • The duration increase to shrines is being changed from 60 minutes to 10 minutes.

