Dark Factions Hardcover

Dark Factions eBook (PDF)

As promised a few days ago, the World of Warcraft RPG: Dark Factions is now available as an eBook (PDF download) with a ten dollar discount. Its eBook pricing is $24.49. If you live outside the United States and not able to get the hardcover, simply purchase the eBook and download it to read it in your computer.

The Dark Factions introduces heavily the Goblin history, the Atal’ai Troll tribe, Pandaren, Satyrs, Twilight’s Hammer Clan, and more. I will update a link to Blizzplanet’s interview with Luke Johnson discussing details of Dark Factions in upcoming weeks. The interview is currently under review by Blizzard Public Relations.

I updated the Dark Factions page with the name of the author/writers and artists. Those who already purchased the Dark Factions will find out why its artwork looks so great. For future reference visit the WoW RPG section under Blizzplanet Store.