Blizzard Entertainment just announced the launch of Blizzard Server Blade Auction Wave 4 on eBay.

Start your auction bids and good luck on this last wave. Own a piece of Blizzard history. Especially your server. Eldorian got lucky and won the bid on Muradin Server. Net proceeds from each auction will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Read the FAQ here.

Aerie Peak Dath’Remar Kael’thas Spirestone
Alexstrasza Deathwing Kel’Thuzad Stormscale
Alterac Mountains Dethecus Khaz Modan Thaurissan
Antonidas Draenor Korgath Thrall
Anvilmar Dragonblight Lethon Thunderhorn
Archimonde Drenden Lightning’s Blade Tichondrius
Arygos Duskwood Llane Turalyon
Azshara Eitrigg Malfurion Warsong
Baelgun Elune Mal’Ganis Whisperwind
Balnazzar Fizzcrank Moonrunner Wildhammer
Bladefist Galakrond Nazjatar Winterhoof
Bleeding Hollow Gorefiend Onyxia Ysondre
Bloodhoof Gorgonnash Shadowsong Zuluhed
Boulderfist Gurubashi Shattered Halls
Caelestrasz Haomarush Shattered Hand
Darkspear Jaedenar Silvermoon