Seems Folks have word there won’t be a Diablo announcement at BlizzCon today Saturday.  Hopefully it does.  Even if no announcement is made, we do know from Gamasutra a few weeks ago that Frank Pearce commented about Team 3.

And from Paul Sams, a year ago, he said there would be three unannounced projects to be revealed on 2007.  I wouldn’t keep my hopes down if I were you.  I am disappointed if it is not announced at Blizzcon, but disappointment shouldn’t bring down our hopes, and second shouldn’t make us deaf to the two clues from Frank Pearce and Paul Sams.

Starcraft 2 was announced at South Korea.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King at BlizzCon.

That’s just two games out of three. One still remains unannounced.  And we are still four months away from 2008. There is still hope for a Diablo title.

We still have GenCon Indy (August 16-19); GC (Games Convention) at Leipzig (Germany) August 23-26; and the GC Developers Conference (GCDC) on August 20-22. Drysc commented recently Blizzard will be at GenCon Indy. Like the saying goes, it is not over till the fat lady sings!
Err, hopefully we can keep the fat lady stunlocked long enough …

Oh, just for those who forgot about it, Paul Sams let the cat out of the bag concerning the three unannounced projects at the Leipzig Games Convention back on August 28, 2006.  Hopefully, Leipzig will conclude full circle.