Following the announcement of Diablo III at the 2008 Blizzard Worldwide Invitationals, merely 9 days ago, Gamasutra reports that sales of the seven-years-old RPG hack’n Slash game Diablo II Battle Chest has risen considerably on last week’s worldwide sale charts.

The Diablo II Battle Chest took the lead on North American PC sales as the # 1 in the Top 5 Sales. While on the United Kingdom the Diablo II Battle Chest gets a fourth position.

At this rate, Game Stores around the world will be out of stock of any remaining copies.  If your area already is out of stock and you wish to get your hands on Diablo II and Lord of Destruction expansion, your only options at this point is to head to the Blizzard Store to purchase a digital download of the game.  It is now available after the Diablo III announcement.  Blizzard Entertainment most likey foresaw this prior to the announcenment.  A clever planning.