Those of you in the Closed Beta will see the Beta servers down, but will see the Test Server US PvE in the list instead. DO NOT access the Test Server through your BETA account. This is what Blizzard said:

Drysc: “The login servers used for the closed beta are shared with those used for the Public Test Realms which are currently active for the 2.0.1 patch. Because of this you will be able to see the 2.0.1 PTR realms through your closed beta client.

We ask those of you in the closed beta that you do not use your closed beta client to log in to the 2.0.1 PTR realms. Doing so will cause many problems, crashes, and anomalies that may be mistaken for errors in the 2.0.1 test.

Unfortunately closed beta testers will be unable to log in through the 2.0.1 client due to the settings on their accounts that allow them access to the closed beta realms. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this may cause.”